Risk Management

Risk Management

Risk Management in construction is intended to plan, monitor, and regulate the actions required to avoid risk exposure. To accomplish this, it is important to identify the hazard, assess the level of the risk, implement risk-control measures, and manage any residual risks.

Horizons IPM UK Risk Management Services advises you on how to confidently identify, measure, and minimise risk through personalised solutions, allowing you to protect what is most important (people, property, and profitability).

Risk management is a procedure that assists you in identifying issues that could have a large negative influence on your business, and then evaluating and mitigating the potential consequences of such risks.

Risk management in the construction 


  • poor track record of completion to cost and time.
  • High levels of conflict and litigation. Work is quite competitive.
  • Profit risk and low margins
  • Inadequate safety and occupational health records.
  • Pressure to get a good return on investment.
  • Time and money are under pressure.
  • Health and safety provisions are under pressure.
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